Friday, October 10, 2008

Our Strong Willed Child

The 4 year old was watching care bears on tv in the bedroom tonight. She came out for a brief moment and I had to stop her in her tracks. I saw she had something on her face so I asked her what she had done to which she replied "nothing". She wholeheartedly felt I would believe her as she looked at me. Now mind you she looked like the tin man from the wizard of oz. My mind was racing trying to figure out what it was she had gotten into while at the same time running to the bathroom to run some water so we could get whatever it was washed off of her. While the water was running I grabbed my phone to take a picture so we could show daddy what she had done while he was gone. Not only was her face covered but her arms and legs were as well where her shirt and pants didn't cover skin. My baby was SILVER!

During the bath I figured it must have been a stamp pad from the craft box in the closet. After the bath was over we went to the bedroom to locate it. Sure enough it was laying on the floor. She had pulled the ink pad part out and used it like a make-up sponge and brushed it over her entire face, arms, and legs.

It really is funny now but at the time I couldn't count to 10 fast enough. Well, that's another story to add to the memory book. Our strong willed child definately keeps us on our toes.


Renee Marquis Photography said...

OMG.. you must have been freaking out... how cute this sure will add to the memory book!

Elizabeth and Frank said...

We have two of those( strong-willed teenagers now), but our pediatrician gave us some sound advise to get through it - "You know, persistence is a highly valued quality in an adult!"