Monday, January 21, 2008

Baby "J"

This little guy is SO cute! He's 4 weeks old he was awake for the entire session. He took a break to eat and then we were back to our session in no time. He was such a good baby then entire time and only had one potty incident. Mommy brought his piggy bank and a few outfits for him that we used in some shots and then we had to get the money shots. You know... the ones you hate your parents pulling out to show people when your a teenager. All taken with modesty but they are a must for any little ones picture album.

Friday, January 18, 2008

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep

Through the tragic loss of a friends little girl last year I became aware of the Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep organization. I knew immediately that this was an organization I wanted to be a part of so I put my application in to become a volunteer. I received word on January 10th that my application was approved and I am now a proud member of this organization. Since receiving word of my approval I have been working toward preparing myself to represent NILMDTS and the families that are served through them.

NILMDTS is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization that helps families during a time of bereavement with remembrance photography. It is made up of professional photographers that volunteer their time and talent to those in need. If you are a health care professional, or affiliated with a health care organization in any way and are not aware of NILMDTS please check this wonderful organization out.

Now I Lay Me Down To Sleep Remembrance Photography - Affiliate Photographer

Saturday, January 5, 2008

My Favorite 2007 "Just For The Fun of It" Image

After each year has passed I like to look back through all the "just for the fun of it" images I have captured. The neighbor down the road lets me come and take pictures of their horses. I love horses so I have a lot of fun but it can be a challenge. Their horses are super friendly so often they want to come and inspect me or my gear. Sometimes it's more loving on them than anything with an occasional picture taken as they take their turn approaching me. The young ones are really curious and most of them approach me but a few are still unsure of things to fully get comfortable with me petting them. I have a great time and it's an outing I enjoy at least once a year.

Here is one of my favorites from 2007.

I couldn't resist... I had to add a few more.

This little guy was a constant companion.